The diet and health disclosures are voluntary.
However, students are highly encouraged to provide OIP, Health Services, the Counseling Center, the Office of Student Accessibility Services, your program leaders and others the ability, where possible, to address any needs you may have during your program. Please understand that Whittier College CANNOT guarantee health, dietary or other accommodations while abroad. For food restrictions it is VITAL that participants maintain constant vigilance for themselves and that no guarantees regarding ingredients or food restrictions exist.
Please answer the questions contained in this form as honestly and completely as possible. It is very important that all sections are completed fully and accurately, as this will assist health care providers should you require medical or counseling services during your study abroad program. The information provided will be treated confidentially.
By accepting below I hereby give my permission for the OIP personnel to release my health disclosure form to Student Health, Counseling Center, the Office of Student Accessibility Services and, where applicable, to my Program Leader or others as deemed appropriate. I understand that this information will be shared only when necessary for my own or others' health and safety or to be sure arrangements can be made to meet my needs.
In the event of illness, injury, or other medical emergency, I hereby grant Whittier College or any of its representatives, full authority to take any action deemed necessary to protect my mental or physical health and safety, at my expense, and to secure necessary treatment, including placing me under the care of a doctor or in a hospital or any place for medical examination or treatment, the administration of an anesthetic and surgery, and/or the administration of medication as may be prescribed by a doctor or if necessary for my safety or health. I agree that I may be returned to the United States at my expense. I agree that if Whittier College makes any payments on my behalf, I will reimburse the University regardless of whether I deem the treatment or services received to be medically necessary. I hereby assume all responsibility for all medical expenses that I may incur while abroad including the costs of my evacuation or return for medical or other reasons. .
I authorize Whittier College to contact my Parents/Legal Guardian/Spouse about my physical or mental health while I am abroad if the University deems it advisable to do so. .
I understand and agree that Whittier College is not obligated to secure or pay for medical treatment on my behalf and cannot guarantee the quality of any such treatment. I hereby release Whittier College and their respective trustees, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability, claims and causes of actions that might arise as a result of the exercise of their authority under this Agreement. .
I certify that all responses made on this Health Disclosure Form are true and accurate, and that I will notify the University of any relevant changes in my health that occur prior to or during the term of the Program. I understand that this form is for information purposes only and in no way obligates the University or Program leader to take any responsibility for my health.
I have read and understand this document and agree that it will legally bind me and my estate, and I sign it voluntarily.